Are you ready to kickstart your journey to a fitter you in just 4 weeks? 4 Weeks to fitness is a fitness and weight loss program consisting of 2 gym workouts and 2 cardio workouts per week. The program is designed to aid you in weight loss as well as improving your overall fitness levels. The gym portion of this program will consist of 2 workouts a week following an upper body / lower body split. You will progress on these workouts each week by simply increasing the weights you use on each exercise by 1-2kg. The cardio portions of this program will be performed twice a week with one session being low intensity and the other being high intensity. With these cardio workouts you will also get to choose from a selection of options as to which one you'd like to complete for that day. Make sure whilst following this program you know your calorie intake (more info can be found on my article "Let's talk calories") in order to ensure you are working towards your weight loss goals. As always if you have any questions don't hesitate to send me a message. Let's train!
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app